Surgical Dentistry

We treat you like family

Surgical Dentistry Services



Emergency visits

Implant Dentures

Wisdom Teeth Removal


CBCT Diagnostics

Gum Lifts

What To Expect

          At Huggins Dental, we strive to provide comprehensive care to all of our patients. This includes surgical dentistry. Whether it is a tooth that is no longer able to be saved or a cosmetic procedure to correct a gummy smile, Doctors Zack and Elizabeth Huggins are here for you. Our dentists pride themselves on excellence in the clinical setting. They have taken hundreds of hours of CE to gain the knowledge and expertise to advise and treat a variety of dental needs. In dentistry, there are specialists available for the most complex cases, but most of the time, these surgical treatment needs can be taken care of in our office. Our doctors are highly trained and confident to take care of most surgical dental needs that will arise. Below is a list of some of our offered services:


Missing teeth? Dental implants are the gold standard for revitalizing a broken and unconfident smile. Patients love dental implants because they are the closest restoration you can get to your natural tooth. Dental implants allow you to achieve uncompromised function and esthetics that lead to unsurpassed levels of confidence! Schedule your consultation today!

Dentist in Greenville SC

Cone Beam Planning

“If you fail to plan, you are planning to fail.” At Huggins Dental, we take all the necessary steps to diagnose treatment needs, build a treatment plan, and help you understand what is best for you. You can feel confident that the dentists at Huggins Dental use the top of the line and latest technology when planning your implant placement.

Implant Dentures

Dentures are a great way to replace nonrestorable teeth. However, sometimes dentures can be loose and understandably, patients desire to have more stability with their dentures. The BEST way to stabilize dentures is with implants. Implants can be placed and after healing, the denture can be partially or fully supported with the implants. The denture can snap in and out of the implants to allow for optimum retention, stability and cleanliness. In some cases, a new denture can be made to screw permanently into the implants and does not have to be removed by the patient. Schedule your appointment to discuss further with Dr Huggins. We would be happy to discuss the details with you!

Restored Aesthetics for dentures


Sometimes teeth are beyond repair and that is ok.  Even though the tooth has to come out, it does not mean it has to be a miserable experience. Doctors Zack and Elizabeth Huggins are experts at teeth removal. They make the process as painless and efficient as possible. Most of the time, patients are surprised with how quick and painless the extraction is. Give us the opportunity to serve you… experience the difference!

Emergency Exams

There is nothing worse than tooth pain! As your upstate SC dentist, we take your dental emergency very seriously. We will make every effort to get you in as soon as possible (most of the time same-day), and help you get out of pain! We treat you like family here at Huggins Dental. We do not like to see our family in pain. Call now to be seen ASAP!

Infected tooth in Greenville SC

Wisdom Teeth Removal

While keeping all 32 teeth for your whole life is a great goal to strive for, sometimes the jaws are not quite big enough to allow for all the teeth to fit. Quite often, wisdom teeth have so little space that they are forced to remain fully impacted, remain partially impacted, or they will erupt but are uncleansable. It is important to have a wisdom teeth evaluation to determine whether your wisdom teeth pose a health risk if not removed. If it is determined that your wisdom teeth need to come out, it is best to have them removed while you are still young, preferably between the ages of 16-25. In most cases, the younger you are, the better you heal. Schedule an evaluation today!

Gum Lift

Do you see a lot of gums when you smile? There are many reasons for a gummy smile appearance, but in most cases, this can be fixed pretty easily in just one appointment. If your teeth look short or you show excessive gums when you smile, it does not always mean that you have small teeth. Sometimes your beautiful teeth are covered up by gums and/or bone. When the gums are raised and sculpted appropriately, you are left with your beautiful, bright, natural smile! You can trust Doctors Zack and Elizabeth Huggins to provide the right gum treatment for you that will give you a renewed confidence in your smile. Schedule today for a your consultation!


At Huggins Dental, we are committed to making your dental experience as relaxing and enjoyable as possible. No matter what dental treatment needs you have, we are devoted to comfortable and excellent care. One of the tools we use to achieve this is sedation. If desired, we can provide Nitrous Sedation and/or Oral Sedation to help you relax during your appointment. Please ask us for more details.